onsdag 15. desember 2010

Snow in Norway :D

It is SNOW, and of course we had to take some photos! It’s not snowing everyday =)
We decided to put some of them on the blog, so you can see Norway in the winter. It’s not so much snow now, often there can be one meter! It is crazy, but so fun!

Here is some pictures of Sandra, maybe some of you remember her from your trip to Norway?

tirsdag 14. desember 2010

Christmas Dinner At School !

Eyey! Long time ago, but today we had kitchen at school, and we are making something really Norwegian!
-->    Salted and dried rib of mutton, potatos and swede

It's very good, and to dessert we had oatmeal, with red sauce =)

mandag 29. november 2010

Hey! Not long ago we had our Vagab friends here in Norway!

Our Vagab friends from Netherland, Germany, Poland, Portugal and Spain came to us!
When they were here, we were at Bergen, to taste at fisk, walk around in Bergen and to vissit the accarium. It was a lott of fun, and here is some photos from it!

tirsdag 2. november 2010

Education, is changed?

This time we have about our parents and grandparents, and it have been a lot of intervjues.
My grandmom started at school when she was 7 years old, they started one year later than us! So because of that, she was only at school to 9th grade, then someone chosed to work and others to goo to school. My grandmom went to school. She was one year at "husmorskolen"(norwegian word), a small school in Husnes and then she got her first baby the year later. After her birth, she and my granddad worked at a factory, on each shift. Because it was no kindergarden back then, so it always had to be someone home with the baby(my mom). A few years later they got baby number 2, my aunt. After that didnt my grandmom work again for 7 years! She started then as a cleaning worker at Samnanger. She had to cuit because of her pain in her arms. She went back to school as a institution cook, and later she started again as a institutioncook.

My mom did also start at school at age 7 in 1979. She complited all school from 1th grade to 9th grade. Then she started at "husstellskolen" in Vaksdal. It was not so many school to chouse from, just Arna or Bergen, but it was Arna who had the school in Vaksdal. In Vaksdal she had to sheer her school with the yougers from 1th to 6th grade. It was a small school, but they had a big classrom in the basement. They were only 12 students and 4 teachers. Then she went to Bergen, "handelsskole" bussines school for tree years. It was small and 30 students in a small classrom. They were splitted in A, B, C and D classes. They even had to take the buss to get to the gym! She then started working and in 2003 she went to school again, this time as at enrolled nurse. So it was many school before as well, just like no, but now its maybe some more.

tirsdag 26. oktober 2010

my parent's!! (sandra)

My mom went to university at Bergen’s business school or handelshøyskolen like it is called in Norway. After school she got a job in a store and later on when she couldn’t  work there anymore she went back to school and started a new education to become a health secretary.
My dad got an education to become gardener and has worked hard to get up in the business and now he is a great gardener and he is almost the on the top in the firm he is working.

My parents are really good parents and aren’t as streak as many parents are. I’m allowed to be in Bergen as long as I’m sure I can get home and walk around with people. And they trust me when it comes down to things that maters and so on.  
I also have a deal with them about alcohol and smoke, as long as I don’t touch it until I turn 18 they will pay for my driving license ^^   

me cosplaying a random day outside of Bergen ^^,

torsdag 7. oktober 2010

our school!

Our school is pretty much gray, the walls are gray and the floor I gray. We could wish for a more exiting color that that might could wake us up. Another fact about our school is that the classroom in the upper part of the school is a lot smaller then the classrooms in the basement. The classrooms in the basement are all gray, square and the only colors curtains that are blue. The school isn’t horrible and not every school in Norway has a cafeteria or a big place outside where we can be. The invierment on the school is pretty good, and the teachers are really live for the work and are really nice people as well. But the school day starts pretty early for the people that don’t come form Arna. The day starts at 08:15 and the school day is over 13:10 (Monday and Wednesday) or 15:30 (Thursday and Tuesday), and every Friday we are working trough the school and then we will work 6 hours and we can decide for our self when we start and quit.  

mandag 27. september 2010

About Margunn

Hi my name is Margunn and I am 17 years old. In my spare time I like to hang with my friends, read a good book and watch TV. I'm originally from a place called Fusa, but right now I live in Arna.
In Fusa I live on a farm with my dad and my two older sisters. On the farm we cows, cats, a horse and a dog called Gregg.
I like to listen to music, and my favorit bands are Slipknot, Rammstein, Iron Maiden, A day to remember and many more.
In the summer we have different activities here in Fusa, and one of them is a volleyball tour called Strandvik open. Lots of people join this tour. We have lots of fun on the tour and you can even win a price if your lucky. Below you can see some pictures from it.


My hometown
Here you can see the grocery store, church and a beautiful nature in the middle of the summer

This is how my home looks like in the summer

This is what I did in my summer holiday

Iron Maiden concert


and Rammstein concert


We had kitchen !

Her is some picture i have taken from the school kitchen. Normaly we have kitchen every wednesday, and Im a little bit to late with puplising the news this time. We made "Fårekål", like we from Norway kalles it, and applecake. "Fårekål" is meat and cabbage, and this is a typical norwegian dinner we eat.

This is Sandra, she mad something(?) this day. Tasted good ! :D

About me !! ( Ine )

Some normally information about me xD
My name is Ine, and I am seventeen years old. I live at Vaksdal, an hour from Bergen, in Norway. Vaksdal is a small place, with farms and a lake with some seaside place. I live with my mom (Marianne), dad (Leif Inge) and my two sisters Pia (age 14) and May Kristin (age 9). I also live with my animals, one cat, tree rabbits and tree guinea pigs. My guinea pigs name is Turbo.

This is a photo of me, when I was in a comfirmation in May!
My hobbies!
I have a lot of hobbies, like motocross, animals, painting and training, but most of my time is going to work, school and motocross (each Friday). I drive in Sotra, but now we are building a new track in Dale, but its kind a small. Every dag, accept Saturday and Sunday, I go to Arna high school on health and social; Hoping to become a midwife or a nurse later.
My favorite things to do in the summer are to goo swimming, ride my bike/cross, do some exercise, climb or walk in the mountain and jump on a trampoline. The winter is different, I often goo skiing and snowboarding, go to the cabin with my boyfriend and sometimes we can go skate on the ice. I like the color blue, black and reed.

There is not many places to hang out in Vaksdal, but we have something called “KUL”, that’s a place where kinds in age 12 to 18 years old can hang out. It is also arranged some camps, Easter camp and Christmas camp, but this “KUL” arrangement is Christian. On Fridays we have disco in Vaksdal, Stanghelle or Dale, we change place each week.

My summer holiday!
This summer I was in Norway, in Vikersund. Here we have the biggest ski flying hill detection in Norway. The hill record is 219 meters and held by Harry Olli from Finland, and Roland Muller from Austria. With this ground record is Vikersunds hill the world’s third largest ski jump. I was in Vikersund with my family, and we visited my aunt and my “new” uncle.
Two days later we went to “Gol”, here we shopped and swimmed in a big pool. I went to Voss the same day with the train, because I was going to a wedding!
This is the ski flying hill in Vikersund!

information about me!!! (sandra)


Basic information xD
My name is Sandra, I’m 17 years old and I live on osterøy (this is about one hour drive from Bergen, so it’s not that fare from civilization ^^). In my family it’s me, mom (Torill), dad (Oddvar) and my two brothers (Tony and Daniel). When it comes to my pets I have 7 cats (seriously 7 cats!! That’s a lot of cats!!) but when we have managed to give away the cats we are suppose to give away, we will only have 3 cats (Gråen, Maya and L).

My hobbies     
In my spare time I play games as Pokemon and FEAR and many other games but they are the two games I play the most. I often walk about 10 km just for fun ^^ and I watch anime, horror movies and everything I find interesting or fun ^^ other than this things i’m with friends and just chillaxing ^^ btw a good book is always nice to have and music is something I can’t live without, lol xD

My vacation o.O
This year we were on a car trip to Sweden with my whole family even my brother Tony that lives in Finnmark! That’s like the other side of Norway!! D: xD we had several stops and we bought a lot of candy and soda ^^ but I don’t eat candy so my mom felt sorry for me and bought my favorite soda (fanta exotic) and 24 boxes with energy drinks!! :D me lucky ^^ this was a pretty fun vacation but it was a lot of driving so I ended up reading 500 pages of a book, win some game and listed to a lot of music when we were driving (the vacation lasted about two weeks) xD and last but not lest this is a photo of me ^^
this is a photo of me somewhere in norway xDxD

Hallo !

Welcome to our new blog.
We are three girls who are in the VAGAB project and we're looking forward to getting properly started.
We hope that you will follow us here on the blog.

Margunn, Ine and Sandra :)