This time we have about our parents and grandparents, and it have been a lot of intervjues.
My grandmom started at school when she was 7 years old, they started one year later than us! So because of that, she was only at school to 9th grade, then someone chosed to work and others to goo to school. My grandmom went to school. She was one year at "husmorskolen"(norwegian word), a small school in Husnes and then she got her first baby the year later. After her birth, she and my granddad worked at a factory, on each shift. Because it was no kindergarden back then, so it always had to be someone home with the baby(my mom). A few years later they got baby number 2, my aunt. After that didnt my grandmom work again for 7 years! She started then as a cleaning worker at Samnanger. She had to cuit because of her pain in her arms. She went back to school as a institution cook, and later she started again as a institutioncook.
My mom did also start at school at age 7 in 1979. She complited all school from 1th grade to 9th grade. Then she started at "husstellskolen" in Vaksdal. It was not so many school to chouse from, just Arna or Bergen, but it was Arna who had the school in Vaksdal. In Vaksdal she had to sheer her school with the yougers from 1th to 6th grade. It was a small school, but they had a big classrom in the basement. They were only 12 students and 4 teachers. Then she went to Bergen, "handelsskole" bussines school for tree years. It was small and 30 students in a small classrom. They were splitted in A, B, C and D classes. They even had to take the buss to get to the gym! She then started working and in 2003 she went to school again, this time as at enrolled nurse. So it was many school before as well, just like no, but now its maybe some more.
SvarSlettWe're the 3rd group from Spain.
Well, we are a bit surprised for this information and our parents were more than 12 students in class and there were more than 4 teachers in the school.
They started school at 3 o 4 years old but some of them didn't finis their education till 16.
Byeee :)
Greatings from Spain.
Hei! Hello everybody!
SvarSlettSo, we can recognise that your mum's birth was quite big challenge for your grandparents, becouse they had to share their education with maintaining their family.
Best regards from Poland
Greetings from Germany!
SvarSlettYour blog is very interesting. I like your post "Education, is changed?". My mum had school up to the 12th grade. How old was your grandma as she got her first baby? She was very young, wasn't she?